Monday 12 May 2014

Deliver The Message With Quotes

Quotes are the most effective way to deliver a message which will have a long lasting impact in the people’s hearts. Whether spoken or written down, they inspire and help to tell a story in a beautiful way. Words well spoken and delivered leave on people’s hearts and have the ability to make people do or achieve the impossible. Quotations have many benefits and here are just a few of their uses.
·         They are used to give the speakers exact words thereby enabling the readers to understand how the idea was presented.
·     They are used also to avoid distortion of the speaker’s words.
·     It is a way of putting that liveliness whenever people speak. This way, it seems as if it the speaker of the quoted words speaking.
Majority of those likely to use quotations are the journalists whenever they give their stories. The rule of the thumb however, is that a journalist should never start a story quoting someone. When this happens, the news becomes diluted and the importance of the quotation fails to come up. The news should be delivered first and only then should the quotation be used. This ensures that the recipients get the story first and get to appreciate the quote.

Whenever people speak, they always want to live a long lasting impression with the way they choose and deliver their words. For the listeners to remember what was said, the message must be clear, eloquent and delivered in a catchy way. Those who now the power of catchy phrases always make sure that their speech won’t lack any. Politicians especially are very good when it comes to catchy phrases. They inspire the masses and deliver the message in the most effective ways possible.
The most widely used Quotes are those concerning love. Love birds always turn to catchy phrases whenever they want to impress and perhaps put a ring on that finger. Human life goes through so many stages some good and others depressing. These words in many ways help to lighten the burden and put a smile to those sad faces. Inspiration is always crucial. Whenever people feel sad and alone, these encouraging words give them a reason to want to live and make things better. These wonderful though, should never be misused. It is always good to put attribution to whoever said the words. This is a way of showing respect to other people’s work.

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